Project 2.4: Software


Aims       Publications       Software       Investigators

Holloway, Shannon, and Hunyong Cho. dtrSurv: Dynamic Treatment Regimes for Survival Analysis (R). 1.1 ed., 2020.
Liu, Ying, Yuanjia Wang, and Donglin Zeng. DTRlearn: Learning Algorithms for Dynamic Treatment Regimes (R). 1.3 ed., 2018.
Holloway, Shannon T., Eric B. Laber, Kristin A. Linn, Baqun Zhang, Marie Davidian, and Anastasios A. Tsiatis. DynTxRegime: A comprehensive package for analysis of dynamic treatment regimes (R).. v3.1 ed., 2017.
Lu, Wenbin, Hao Helen Zhang, Donglin Zeng, Yuan Geng, and Shannon T. Holloway. OTRselect: Variable selection for optimal treatment decision (R).. 1.0 ed. CRAN Repository, 2016.
Zhang, Chong, Yufeng Liu, and Shannon T. Holloway. RAMSVM: Reinforced angle-based multicategory support vector machines (R).. 2.0 ed., 2016.
Fan, Aiilin, and Shannon T. Holloway. subdetect: Detect subgroup with an enhanced treatment effect (R).. 1.1 ed., 2016.
Zhu, Ruoqing, and Michael R. Kosorok. RLT: Reinforcement learning trees (R).. 2.0 ed., 2015.
Li, Meng, Ana-Maria Staicu, and Howard D. Bondell. cSFM: Covariate-adjusted skewed functional model (R).. 1.1 ed., 2014.
Bondell, Howard D., and Shannon T. Holloway. CasANOVA: Simultaneous factor selection and collapsing levels in ANOVA (R).. R 3.0 ed., 2013.
Bondell, Howard D., Jung-Ying Tzeng, Megan L. Koehler, and Shannon T. Holloway. Haplo.CasGLM: Haplotype specific simultaneous factor selection and collapsing levels in GLM (R).. 3rd ed., 2013.
Linn, Kristin A., Eric B. Laber, and Leonard A. Stefanski. iqLearn: Interactive Q-learning (R).., 2013.